
UX Design


LendingTree is an online platform where consumers can compare and choose from multiple loan offers, connecting them with lenders who compete for their business.

Advertorial Redesign for


Advertorials on CompareCards have a barebones design. They are functional and contain all the desired information, but they are long and challenging to navigate.

Audit design of current CompareCards advertorials and compare them to competitors Value Penguin, Nerd Wallet, Credit Karma, and Card Rating
Create new components with the desires of the product team.
Include must-haves as requested by the product team


After completing a design audit, the intention behind the redesign was to use interactive components to hide and expand text. The reduction of text would allow a better visual presentation for card art

Final Design

The final design variation consisted of interactive components that were later A/B tested against the original design and new versions.

Introduction of accordion fold card art

  • Contains copy content for Pros/Cons, why we like it, and about the card

  • Main card specs are included directly on the card art component with a clear CTA button

Top Pick & next best three cards

  • The featured card is presented front and centered as required by the card sponsor

  • The next top three cards are displayed for easy access with option to show more

Comparison chart

  • Users can choose to cross-compare card specs across all presented cards

Jump Link

  • For easy access, the jump link presents a summary of all cards.

CompareCards 404 Page

Objective was to create a more friendly engaging user interface for 404 landing page of comparecards.com

404 Page Redesign

The final design consisted of redirection buttons to top categories. Use of current CompareCard design systemto illustrations for future design art

Customer Service Week

Create a logo and zoom background for Customer Service by incorporating “BEE-Cause You’re Essential”

Credit Card Design

Collaborated with the creative team to design variations of possible credit card designs.

SEED: A Lendingtree concept for Gen Z personal finance

Design Objective

Role: Sole Designer

Timeline: 3 Weeks

SEED was a summer intern project created to showcase a concept that could be implemented into the Lendingtree ecosystem. I was given full creative freedom and responsibility to design anything Lendingtree-related. Feedback was given to me by members of the creative team and the creative director.

Designing for Gen Z

For the role of the project, the focus was on a demographic and challenge that I am familiar with and curious about: Generation Z and the challenge with personal finance when first starting out.


With the constraint of the scale and time of the project. Preliminary research was conducted to understand the landscape of Gen Z and attitudes toward personal finance.

Research Insights

Following the preliminary research and interviews with college acquaintances. I synthesized the research into

three main pain points

Key Design Features

With the three main pain points outlined, solutions were proposed to influence the key design features and guide the overall design direction.

Overall Design Application

Personal finance is not the most entertaining thing to learn. The main challenge would also be integrating SEED into a rotation of apps that fight for Gen Z’s attention. The decision was to gamify personal finance.

Task Flow

Task flow was created to map the main design features and how a user would be expected to navigate while completing achievements.

Final Prototype

The final prototype features three key features.

  1. The user is able to set a financial budget toward a goal

2. Complete the personal finance quizzes from Lendingtree academy

3. Reflect on recent purchases as good, neither, or regret

Completion of each challenge would earn the user Sunray to grow their personal plant avatar of choice. As the plant evolves it will eventually bloom and die to unlock a new plant seed for the next month.


Creative Capital - Design Exhibit


Anthpo - Assistant Producer